Reading Response 10
Fake news is the spread of mis-information whether it be for the reason of attracting clicks for money or attempting to sway the opinion of a population. A lot of the article took a look at the presidential election and the effect which fake news may have had on the outcome. The article Donald Trump Won Because of Facebook gives examples of horribly false and slanderous articles about Hilary Clinton which where liked, shared, and commented on thousands and tens of thousands of times. Some people have no ability to filter false information or their wanting to accept the article as truth makes them do it causes the further spread of false information. If these false links can really sway people to vote for one candidate on false pretenses then this deluge of content is very dangerous and shows how brainwashed people are by what they read on social media. SOCIAL MEDIA LINKS ARE NOT AUTOMATICALLY FACTS PEOPLE!! I understand that with the amount of content that is already on and submitted every minute to facebook, google, etc that it is very hard to validate every little thing coming through the pipeline and that if they were able to then everyone would be up in arms about whether they are filtering too much and blocking certain things they don't like. Its hard to be a large media platform, but with great power comes great responsibility and so I do believe that large media outlets should be responsible for finding a way to filter content and quickly. Having 1000+ fake accounts and a large number of accounts with ties to the Kremlin should not be possible, that should have been something picked up on immediately. I personally have removed myself from the majority of social media, so fake news really never hit me until I heard Trump say it and even then I thought it was just his word for news that wasn't flattering to him. I use reddit news channel for a lot of my news and for the most part those are links to sights such as which I trust to be a less biased news outlet than some. I do still make sure to take note of the sites I get redirected to because I don't want to read something off a blog and think of it as fact.
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I think Trump is an absolute idiot and that social media and American ignorance in the voting process is the only way he could have gotten elected. The slander of Hilary through the media and his own reinforcement was what gave one of the most disgusting people in America a surge forward. Just like social media was his rise on facebook, I believe it will be his demise through twitter. In full disclosure I don't like Hilary either. Didn't vote for either of them.
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