Reading 04 Response

I believe that the gender gap is overblown so it would make sense that I resonated with what Why the STEM gender gap is overblown had to say on the matter. If we focus on all fields of STEM then we can see that the number of degrees received per gender in many fields is fairly equal. The largest gap was in Computer Science, but it was argued that this division starts even before we get to high school and is just something that comes with being a male or a female. The article sites a study done on male and female monkeys which showed that even mammals that are not exposed to human gender-specific socialization effort have splits in what interests males more (mechanical) and what interests females more (social). It is due to that idea that I believe that the split that exists in computer science is natural based on what males and females are drawn too. Furthermore the reading states that part of the reason for the gap is due to the establishments that some women are getting CS degrees from, which are not always top schools and thus do not get recruited by large companies such as Google and Amazon. I believe that the recent focus on diversity is due to the problems that society is having with equality in general. Everyone wants to be equal in every field, not just STEM, and recent (past 5 years) news notable events have made a large strain on the push for equality between races and genders.  I don't believe that equality or perfect diversity is even remotely possible which is just an unfortunate reality.


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