Reading 01 Response
From my experience hackers have always been the ones that do work such as finding exploits and breaking into systems (can be done for good or bad) or creating malicious code that can take your computer hostage (always bad). For the longest time those were the types of people that I associated with the label "hacker." And though that is still a correct label for those people, the article Hackers and Painters made me realize that the word "hacker" can belong to a much larger group of people than just the two which I listed before. Through the reading I started to think more about the way in which I code, which is to throw some code in the editor and then debug and work on it until it does what I want it to do. I use my own knowledge of how to program along with online code examples and source code from open-source repositories to create or “hack” together some type of final product. In this way the Hackers and Painters reading compares hacking to painters and architects. We, hackers and painters, both start out with a blank canvas and throw bits and pieces onto it, whether those be strokes of paints or functions, to create something good. In that way we are all “makers” or people that use their given talents, knowledge, and resources to put together a final product and thats what I believe a hacker is now.
From the article “The Hacker Hacked” we get that a characteristic for the archetype of a hacker is “essentially that of an individual attempting to live an empowered and unalienated life. It is outsider in spirit, seeking empowerment outside the terms set by the mainstream establishment.” From The Conscience of a Hacker we get that a characteristic is that of a programmer/coder that want to explore technologies that are free and open to there use in order to seek knowledge and gain information. From Mark Zuckerberg’s letter we can get that hackers are those that don’t focus on getting things right the first time, but continuously add on and push forward in innovation. And finally from Hackers and Painters we get that hackers are “makers” who just want to create something beautiful just like Van Gogh created Starry Night.
From those four characteristics, I would say that I do not consider myself a hacker. And I am fine with not being a hacker. I don’t think there is anything elite about being a hacker in my opinion, just a title given to certain people that may show those characteristics above. I am fine with just being a guy that enjoys to code and sit all day looking at a computer screen while making small changes to a program as he slowly plucks all the hairs out of his head due to the amount of bugs that the compiler has found.
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